17 NOV 2023 / Welcome Reception
The Gallery, Greenbelt 5
18-19 NOV 2023 / Conference Dates
Ayala Museum
17 NOV 2023 / FRI
The Gallery, Greenbelt 5
5:00 - 7:30 PM
Welcome Reception
18 NOV 2023 / SAT
Ayala Museum
8:30 - 9:30 AM
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Strategic Creative Business Assessment
PHx Group
As a foundation to the entire conference, we will begin with a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess the creative aspects of a business to help it develop strategic initiatives that enhance its creative capabilities and competitiveness.
We will go through the following:
Brand Identity (Brand Prism)
Market Spaces (Identification of Market/s)
Proposition Framing
Customer Definition
Commercialisation (Distribution)
Intellectual Property
Technology and Communications
The output of this first session will be a one-page brand strategy/situationer of the current business.
10:30 - 12:00 NN
Fashion Designer Conversations
Norman René de Vera in conversation with Pam Quiñones
Listen as Norman René de Vera, who currently works with the fashion house AZ Factory as its Design and Image Director for RTW, Shoes, Bags, and Accessories, takes us on his journey through fashion.
This conversation between Devera and Pam Quiñones, Fashion Director of Vogue Philippines, will touch on various aspects of fashion design, the fashion business, and the creative process.
Design Awakening and Inspiration
Working in the Global Industry and Market
What to Expect in the International Fashion Industry: Competition
Designer and Media Relationships
12:00 - 1:00 PM
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Segment 1: The Fashion Business: The Building Blocks
TFC Press
We will explore the intricacies of the business of ready to wear, brand identity development, and collection curation. Whether you are a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring fashion entrepreneur, this presentation offers actionable insights to effectively navigate the complexities of the fashion business.
The Business of Ready to Wear
Building Your Identity
Building Your Collection and Product Line
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Segment 2: The Fashion Business: Strategic Communications through PR and Marketing
TFC Press
Delve into building your commercial team, crafting your brand narrative, devising effective marketing strategies, and leveraging fashion PR for enhanced business impact. This session offers valuable insights to strengthen your brand's communication strategy and establish a formidable presence in
the fashion markets.
Building Your Team
Fashion PR and Marketing
Introduction to Fashion Week
3:30 - 4:30 PM
Segment 3: The Fashion Business: Sales, Distribution and Presentations
TFC Press
Here we will explore the key global standards in navigating the business of fashion weeks, creating impactful product presentations at trade shows, and different business models. This session offers essential insights into driving sales, expanding distribution channels, and establishing a strong business presence in the competitive fashion landscape.
Business Side of Fashion Week
Selling Your Collection
Business Models: Wholesale, Retail and Licensing
19 NOV 2023 / SUN
Ayala Museum
8:30 - 9:30 AM
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Portfolio Review
TFC Press, Norman René de Vera, and Vogue Philippines
11:00 AM - 12:00 NN
Fintech: Maximizing Technology in Building Creative Businesses
A useful primer to explore how financial technology (fintech) can be leveraged by creative entrepreneurs and businesses to innovate, manage finances, and support growth.
12:00 - 1:00 PM
1:30 - 2:30 PM
Brand Identity and Intellectual Property
Dan Matutina
As one of the leading lights in Philippine graphic design and branding systems, Dan Matutina will explore the critical aspects of protecting and leveraging a company's brand identity through intellectual property strategies.
Brand Identity
Trademark Registration
Case Study
Fashion IP Portfolio Management in Entering Markets
2:30 - 4:00 PM
Contemporary Filipino Labels Making Their Marks Across the Globe
TFC Press, CJ Cruz of Carl Jan Cruz, Dante Dizon and Noli Coronado of 13 Lucky Monkey
A panel discussion with TFC Press with CJ Cruz of Carl Jan Cruz and Dante Dizon and Noli Coronado of 13 Lucky Monkey
An exciting exchange featuring cutting-edge Filipino contemporary labels making waves on the global stage. Discover their unique journeys and insights as they redefine creativity, innovation, and brand identity.